Eric 查普曼

Senior Fisheries Biologist, Fish and Aquatic Sciences
Eric has over two decades of experience as a research fisheries biologist.
Eric has over two decades of experience as a research fisheries biologist. He began his career working with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the Maine Department of Marine Resources, studying Atlantic salmon and American eels. He also worked with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, the 加州 Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the University of 加州, Davis (UC Davis) in the Sacramento/San Joaquin watersheds for over 13 years before joining our team. While serving as a lab manager at UC Davis, Eric managed many large research projects focusing on the ecology of Endangered Species Act-listed species, including spring-run Chinook salmon and green sturgeon. He has studied the biology, movement behavior, and survival of fish using biotelemetry and other fisheries techniques.
Areas of expertise
  • Willmes, M., E.E. 哈辛托,.S. 刘易斯,J. Glessner, J.A. 霍布斯,P.M. Moyle, and E.D. 查普曼. (2020). 多样性 of natal origin in pioneering fall-run Chinook Salmon in a small restored watershed in 加州. Accepted in Fisheries http://doi.org/10.1002 / FSH.10516
  • 歌手,克.P., E.D. 查普曼,.J. 阿曼,.P. 克里米雷,.L. Rypel, and N.A. Fangue. (2020). Historic Drought Influences Outmigration Dynamics of Juvenile Fall- and Spring-Run Chinook Salmon. Environ Biol Fish 103, 543-559 DOI 10.1007/s10641-020-00975-8
  • 米勒,E.A., G.P. 歌手,米.L. 彼得森,E.D. 查普曼,M.E. 约翰斯顿,M.J. Thomas R.D. Battleson, M. Gingras, and A.P. 克里米雷. (2020). Spatio-temporal distribution of Green Sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) and White Sturgeon (Asipenser transmontanus) in the San Francisco Estuary and Sacramento River, 加州. Environ Biol Fish 103, 577-603 DOI 10.1007/s10641-020-00972-x
  • 米歇尔,C.J., A.J. 阿曼,年代.T. P·林德利.T. Sandstrom, E.D. 查普曼,M.J. 托马斯·G.P. 歌手,.P. 克里米雷, and R. Bruce MacFarlane. (2015). Chinook salmon outmigration survival in wet and dry years in 加州's Sacramento River. Can J Fish Aquat Sci, 72(11): 1749-1759.
  • 奥,M.T.托马斯·M.J., McDonald, R.R.A.R., Battleson, R.D., 查普曼,E.D.金泽尔,P.我的,我的,我的.T.莫拉,E.A.纳尔逊,J.M.佩格尔,M.D., and 克里米雷,.P. (2017). Fine-scale habitat selection of green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris) within three spawning locations in the Sacramento River, CA. Can J Fish Aquat Sci, 75(5): 779-791
  • 查普曼,E.D.A.R.米歇尔,C.J.安曼,A.J., Lindley, S.T.托马斯·M.J., Sandstrom, P.T.辛格,G.P., Peterson, M.L., MacFarlane, R.B., and 克里米雷,.P. (2012). Diel movements of out-migrating Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) smolts in the Sacramento/San Joaquin watershed. Environ Biol Fish, 96, 273-286DOI: 10.1007/s10641-012-0001-x